Metri, Hani Utari and Wuri, Marsigit and Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin (2022) PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN TEPUNG MAIZENA DAN GULA TERHADAP SIFAT FISIK DAN ORGANOLEPTIK FRUIT LEATHER PEPAYA (Carica papaya L). Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.
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Buah pepaya merupakan salah satu kekayaan alam hayati, akan tetapi pemanfaatannya masih terkendala karena umur buah ini sangat pendek (dalam hitungan hari). Pemanfaatan yang masih terbatas disertai dengan produksi yang tinggi sehingga perlu pengolahan yang tepat agar pepaya memiliki nilai jual yang ekonomis dan banyak diminati oleh masyarakat, salah satunya dengan diolah menjadi fruit leather. Fruit leather merupakan produk makanan berbasis buah yang dikeringkan menjadi lembaran tipis dengan tekstur sedikit liat dan kompak dengan ketebalan 2-3. Dalam pembuatan fruit leather agar memiliki plastisitas yang baik maka harus memperkuat tekstur dan sifat gelnya diantaranya penambahan tepung maizena yang banyak menggandung amilosa dan amilopektin. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini menentukan pengaruh perbedaan penambahan tepung maizena dan gula fruit leather pepaya dan menentukan komposisi terbaik terhadap fruit leather pepaya sehingga menghasilkan fruit leather berdasarkan sifat fisik dan organoleptik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dua faktor perlakuan dengan 9 taraf perlakuan, sehingga diperoleh 27 unit percobaan yang akan dilakukan dan dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis of variance) dengan uji lanjut DMRT khusus karakteristik organoleptik mengunakan analisis Friedman. Uji fisik meliputi kuat tarik, elongasi, kekerasan, kadar air dan warna, sedangkan uji organoleptik warna, aroma, rasa, tesktur dan overall. Proses pembuatan fruit leather pepaya terdiri dari persiapan bahan, penghancuran serta pencampuran bahan, pemanasan, pencetak dalam loyang dan dioven 60ºC selama 22 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan tepung maizena dan gula memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kuat tarik, kekerasan, kadar air dan warna, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap elongasi. Berdasarkan hasil uji organoleptik fruit leather pepaya tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap aroma. Perlakuan terbaik fruit leather pepaya yang memenuhi mutu fisik dan paling disukai panelis diperoleh pada penambahan tepung maizena 1% dan gula 30% dengan nilai kuat tarik 706,065 N/m2 , elongasi 3,33 cm, kekerasan 21 mm/g/s, kadar air 12,24%, warna oranye dan rata-rata panelis menyukai perlakuan ini. (Program Studi Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu) v SUMMARY THE EFFECT OF ADDITIONAL MAIZENE FLOUR AND SUGAR ON THE PHYSICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC PROPERTIES OF PAPAYA LEATHER FRUIT (Carica Papaya L) (Metri Hani Utari, under the guidance of Ir. Wuri Marsigit, M.App.Sc and Ir. Hasanuddin, M.Sc. 82 pages, 2022) Papaya fruit is one of the biological natural resources, but its use is still constrained because the age of this fruit is very short (in a matter of days). Utilization is still limited accompanied by high production so that it needs proper processing so that papaya has an economical selling value and is in great demand by the public, one of which is processed into fruit leather. Fruit leather is a fruit-based food product that is dried into thin sheets with a slightly tough and compact texture with a thickness of 2-3. In making fruit leather, in order to have good plasticity, it must strengthen the texture and gel properties, including the addition of cornstarch which contains a lot of amylose and amylopectin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different concentrations of cornstarch and sugar on papaya fruit leather and determine the best composition for papaya fruit leather to produce fruit leather based on physical and organoleptic properties. This study used a two-factor randomized block design (RAK) with 9 treatment levels, in order to obtain 27 experimental units to be carried out and analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of variance) with further test of DMRT specifically for organoleptic characteristics using Friedman analysis. Physical tests include tensile strength, elongation, hardness, water content and color, while organoleptic tests for color, aroma, taste, texture and overall. The process of making papaya fruit leather consists of material preparation, crushing and mixing of ingredients, heating, printing in a pan and in an oven at 60ºC for 22 hours. The results showed that the concentration of cornstarch and sugar had a significant effect on tensile strength, hardness, moisture content and color, but had no significant effect on elongation. Based on the results of the organoleptic test, papaya fruit leather had no significant effect on aroma. The best treatment of papaya fruit leather that met the physical quality and was most preferred by panelists was obtained by adding 1% cornstarch and 30% sugar with a tensile strength value of 706.065 N/m2, elongation 3.33 cm, hardness 21 mm/g/s, water content 12 .24%, the color is orange and the average panelist likes this treatment
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduated) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Agriculture > Department of Industrial Technology of Agriculture |
Depositing User: | sugiarti sugiarti |
Date Deposited: | 10 Oct 2023 03:16 |
Last Modified: | 10 Oct 2023 03:19 |
URI: | |
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