Azwir, Azwir and Ridwan, Ridwan (2009) PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS PADI SAWAH DENGAN PERBAIKAN TEKNOLOGI BUDIDAYA. Akta Agrosia, 12 (2). pp. 212-218. ISSN 1410-3354

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Increasing of Lowland Rice Productivity Through Management Practices Improvement. Improvement of management practices systems on rice cultivation most important to increase rice yield. Yield of lowland rice depend on many factor as environment factor, climate, soil fertility, and management practices.Two experiments were conducted in Koto Baru Simalanggang village, 50 Kota Regency, West Sumatra Province in the dry season 2007. The first experiment with treatments four technology packages on rice Sijunjung variety (3 technology packages introduction and, 1 farmer’s technology). The Second experiment with treatment (Introduction technology packages and farmer’s technology) The result of the experiment showed that, introduction technology gave the higher yield of rice than farmer’s technology. Three technology packages introduction gave yield of rice Sijunjung variety 5.81, 4.85 and 4.81 ton grain yield ha-1 , and farmer’s technology 3.87 ton ha-1 The highest yield of rice by A packages with treatments plant spacing 20 x20 cm (legowo 6 :1), fertilizer use Urea 150 kg ha-1 + SP 36 100 kg ha-1 + KCl 50 kg ha-1 + organic matter 500 kg ha-1 and crop management intensive. And thefarmer’s technology with treatment plant spacing 25 x 25 cm, 7-10 plats hill -1 , fertizer use Urea 150 kg ha-1 , SP 36 50 kg ha-1 and the crop management not intensive. Application of introduction technology rice Batang Piaman variety gave 6.86 ton ha-1 and farmer’s technology gave yield 4.20 ton ha-1, with improvement technology practice yield of rice Batang Piman variety increase 2.66 ton ha (63,33%).

Item Type: Article
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture > Journal
Depositing User: 001 Bambang Gonggo Murcitro
Date Deposited: 11 May 2012 00:09
Last Modified: 11 May 2012 00:09

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