Priyanto, Eko and Sri, Sugiarti and M., Zulkarnain Y. (2013) ANALISIS TINGKAT KEPUASAN DAN LOYALITAS KONSUMEN TERHADAP BERAS MEREK MANGGIS MANIS DI KECAMATAN RATU AGUNG KOTA BENGKULU. Undergraduated thesis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu.

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The market in Indonesia at this time have shifted to high-quality rice, the following packages are interesting and varied sizes tend to be small in the Pack (5 kg, 10 kg and 20 kg) especially for big cities. In line with the changing attitudes of consumers who want a quality improvement of rice, manufacturers need to first figure out the things that make broad and loyal consumers of rice labeled. This research aims to know the consumer behavior, the level of satisfaction and the level of consumer loyalty against rice brand Manggis Manis in Ratu Agung district Bengkulu City. The Data used in this research is the primary data and secondary data. Primary Data include demographic data of the respondents and the questions regarding the consumers behavior, the level of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers. Charging is done by direct interviewing questionnaire respondents. The respondents involved 96 people. Rice consumers of this brand which became dominated by female respondents age between 45-54 years old with a high school level of education and profession as self-employed. The level of income of approximately Rp.1,000,000 to Rp. 2,000,000/month, with the status of residence of home, the average width of the rice field in the village recently. Most of the respondents informed rice brand Manggis Manis merchants/stores, with an average consumption of rice 900-1200 gr/day based on own initiative and have planed. In measuring the level of satisfaction in using methods of Importance Performance Analysis. And of the importance of the test results (importance) of the rice brand Manggis Manis is at a range of up to 2.3 2.55 score with an average score of 2.39 while for performance measurement results (performance) rice brand Manggis Manis attributes are at a range up to 1,81 until 2,41 score with an average of 2.22, variation value score performance shows that there are still attributes have performance in the category is (enough) to meet consumer expectations. But in general the performance (performance) the attribute has different expectations of consumers, pointed out by an average score of 2.39 on a scale of 1 to 3. From the observations, it turns out that consumers feel very satisfied of rice brand Manggis Manis is as much 33,33%, which was satisfied as much as 64,58% and who feel not satisfied as much as 2,08%. This indicates that the level of satisfaction of consumers against high rice brand Manggis Manis At the level of the loyalty of the consumer, the consumer brand of rice turned out rice brand Manggis Manis in Ratu Agung district Bengkulu City is undivided Loyalty.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduated)
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture > Department of Agribusiness
Depositing User: 011 Syahrul Lubis
Date Deposited: 28 Jan 2014 10:47
Last Modified: 12 Feb 2014 11:19

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