Maulana, Maulana and Agus, Purwoko and Basuki , Sigit Priyono (2013) KAJIAN ALIH FUNGSI LAHAN SAWAH KE LAHAN KELAPA SAWIT DI KABUPATEN SELUMA PROVINSI BENGKULU. Undergraduated thesis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu.

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The important asset of farmers in the village is plantation. The chosen of planted comodity is on the base of rational choice with various determinations. Thus, frequently they convert from one to others variety in their plantations. The problem is when the conversion is done on food plantation as paddy. It can threaten food providing locally, regionally, and nationally. Nowdays, the plantation conversion is happening in high frequency to oil palm plantations in Seluma Regency, Bengkulu Province. Seeing this phenomenon, this study aimed to examine the rate of conversio into palm oil plantations in the Seluma, to analyze the factors that affect the conversion of paddy fields into palm oil plantations, and to analyze the impact of land plantation conversions in Seluma. The data was collected by survey to find qualitative and quantitaive data. The data was analyzed based on double linear regresion model. Whereas, the impacts of plantation conversions was analyzed descriptively. In average, it was found that the rate of land conversion is middle in the amount of 53.9184 %. Based on the analysis of each variable, land conversion is influenced by formal education and income of family. Dominantly, the Impacts of wetland happened on economic side, as the decreasing of available food plantation. It is caused the difficulty of optimal food production. Finally, it will make the lack of food storage in the future, the decreasing of job vacancy and income of farmer, worker, also paddy milling.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduated)
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture > Department of Agribusiness
Depositing User: 011 Syahrul Lubis
Date Deposited: 28 Jan 2014 10:48
Last Modified: 12 Feb 2014 11:13
URI: http://repository.unib.ac.id/id/eprint/6386

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