M. Sinaga, Burju and Syafnil, Syafnil and Sigit, Mujiharjo (2013) PERFORMA MSL-P7211 MENGOLAH LIMBAH CAIR CRUDE PALM OIL (CPO) DITINJAU DARI KADAR MINYAK DAN LEMAK, COD, BOD SERTA NILAI PH. Undergraduated thesis, Fakultas Pertanian, UNIB.

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Multi Soil Layering (MSL) is one water filtration technology that utilizes the ability of the soil as the primary media by enhancing its function through the structure of the soil to clean wastewater. Advantage of the MSL method is relatively low manufacturing cost, easy to operate and control, environment friendly, and the materials used easily obtainable. The results Sitompul (201), Jemikho (201) and Basri (201) shows the thicker beam and the ground gets smaller distance between the beam reduces the ability of MSL-P content of BOD, COD, oil-fat levels and pH are also getting better, so is the more the number of layers of blocks the ability of MSL-P reduce BOD, COD, oil-fat levels and pH are also getting better. Based on the research conducted in this research system development MSL-P, with a beam thick size of 7 cm, distance between the beam 2 cm and the number of layers of soil beam used was 11 ply, so named MSL-P7211. This study aims to examine the performa of MSL-P7211 to reduce levels of fat-oil, COD, BOD, along with pH values ten pools CPO effluent and determine the value of chemical pollutants decreased wastewater flow rate filtering CPO on the right . Number of treatment in this study 3 treatments and 3 replication. With a flow rate of 0.9 L/h, 1.2 L/h and 1.5 L/h, the MSL-P7211 system is able to lower the oil-fat content of the initial 204 mg/L, respectively to 74.56 mg/L; 122.96 mg/L, and 153.90 mg/L, the number of initial COD 1930 mg/L to 176.31 mg/L 192.47 mg/L and 195.29 mg/L, BOD from 308 mg/L, respectively to 70.86 mg/L; 75.35 mg/L and 76.36 mg/L, and the pH value of the initial 9 respectively to 6.13; 6.41 and 6.66. If supplied with a flow rate of 0.67 L/h is estimated MSL-P7211 is capable of producing water meets quality standards with value CPO waste oil and fat content decreased 72.78%, COD 93.20% and BOD 86.40%.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduated)
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture > Department of Industrial Technology of Agriculture
Depositing User: 011 Syahrul Lubis
Date Deposited: 05 Feb 2014 17:44
Last Modified: 12 Feb 2014 10:42

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