Nafyantoni, Jian and Pareke, JS Fahrudin and Nasution, Nasution (2014) PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI DAN KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN DI KANTOR UNIT PT. BRI Tbk (PERSERO) CABANG BENGKULU. The Manager Review Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 14 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1979-2239
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The s tu dy aims t o th e eff e ct o f o rg ani zatio nal c u l ture an d j ob satisfactio n o n em plo y ee performanc e. The res earc h is c on duc ted at PT BR I persero ca ban g B e n gk ul u. D at a o bt ai ne dusing q uistionnai re an d in depth i nte rvi ew o n 54 respondents . T he an alysis techniques used a re desc riptive anal ysis , in depth i nte rvi ews and mul tiple r egres s i on a nal y s i s . B adesc riptive analys is , the res ults s h owed t h at e m ployees wh o wor k i n P T B R I perse ro cab an g Beng kulu h a d an av erage v alue o f organization al c ulture as 4,11 ( 3. 41 t o 4. 20 = Go od) . The n th e ave r ag e valu e o f j o b s ati s faction is 4 .2 4 (4. 21 to 5. 00 = Ve ry Good) . Me anwhile , the a v era ge value o f t he emplo yee's per fo rm ance is 4.22 (4. 2 1 t o 5.0 0 = V er y Good) . F urth ermo re, base d o n the results o f multiple regres sion ana lysis, the res ult s h owed that o rg anizational cultu re an d job s ati sfac tio n h ad p os itive e ffe c t o n e mplo y ees perf or manc e. Th i s result i s support ed by the reg res sion o utput Y = 0. 38 3 X 1 + 0 . 43 7 X 2. Thu s, i t c an be c onc luded th at the h yp otheses a re support ed. These results rev e al th a t organi zati onal c ultu re and j o b s at i s fac ti on h adeffect on e m pl oyees p e rformanc e of PT BRI pe rs e ro c aban g B engku lu . : Organization al Cu ltu re , Job S at isfac tion, Emplo ye e Performa nce.
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Economy > Journal |
Depositing User: | 022 Gofar Ismail |
Date Deposited: | 02 Apr 2014 09:17 |
Last Modified: | 02 Apr 2014 09:17 |
URI: | |
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