Items where Author is "Diani, Irma"

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Number of items: 20.




Putri, Febrin Afdila and Supadi, Supadi and Diani, Irma (2024) ANALISIS GAYA BAHASA PADA LIRIK LAGU KARYA DERE. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Damanik, Yesri Meysausie and Mulyadi, Mulyadi and Diani, Irma (2024) THE ANALYSIS OF STUDENT TEACHERS’ PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES DURING TEACHING PRACTICUM AT SMP N 11 BENGKULU CITY. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Anggraini, Elma Nurpadila and Wardhana, Dian Eka Chandra and Diani, Irma (2024) KAJIAN UJARAN KEBENCIAN DI INSTAGRAM DETIKCOM. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Yudhistira, M Adam Andrio and Diani, Irma and Wardhana, Dian Eka Chandra (2024) NEGASI DALAM ACARA MATA NAJWA EPISODE “GADUH TIGA PERIODE, DEBAT RKUHP, MUDA BERSUARA”. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Salsabila, Azzahra and Diani, Irma and Rahayu, Ngudining (2024) SAPAAN BAHASA REJANG DI DESA TABA SATING KECAMATAN TEBAT KARAI KABUPATEN KEPAHIANG. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Sari, Vinasti Rapita and Rahayu, Ngudining and Diani, Irma (2024) SIKAP BAHASA MASYARAKAT SUKU SEMENDE TERHADAP BAHASA SEMENDE DI DESA TANJUNG BERINGIN KECAMATAN MAJE. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Abimayu, Keni Lavirgo and Diani, Irma and Suryadi, Suryadi (2024) TOPONOMI DESA DAN KELURAHAN DI KECAMATAN CURUP TENGAH KABUPATEN REJANG LEBONG. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Jana, Tinti Apritus and Diani, Irma and Ngudining, Rahayu (2022) TINDAK TUTUR DIREKTIF DALAM TRANSAKSI JUAL - BELI DI PASAR RAKYAT KEDURANG. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Milenia, Febrina and Diani, Irma and Ngudining, Rahayu (2022) TOPONIMI DESA-DESA DI KECAMATAN PINO RAYA KABUPATEN BENGKULU SELATAN. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Aulia, Widi Gusti and Diani, Irma and Dian, Eka Chandra Wardhana (2022) ANALISIS PERGESERAN PENGGUNAAN BAHASA DALAM KOMUNIKASI MASYARAKAT KAMPUNG BOGOR KABUPATEN KEPAHIANG. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Pramesuary, Indria and Diani, Irma and Rokhmat, Basuki (2022) TINDAK TUTUR DIREKTIF BAHASA LEMBAK DI KECAMATAN SUNGAI SERUT KOTA BENGKULU. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Anggraini, Ajeng Cristina and Diani, Irma and Ngudining, Rahayu (2022) TOPONIMI DUSUN DAN DESA DI KECAMATAN GIRI MULYA KABUPATEN BENGKULU UTARA. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Sari, Popy Permata and Rahayu, Ngudining and Diani, Irma (2019) KORESPONDENSI BUNYI BAHASA MUKO-MUKO, BAHASA PEKAL, BAHASA SERAWAI DI PROVINSI BENGKULU : STUDI LINGUISTIK HISTORIS KOMPARATIF. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Suryana, Elta and Diani, Irma and Chandra, Dian Eka (2019) REFERENSI PADA TEKS CERITA PENDEK MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INDONESIA ANGKATAN 2015. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Sebastian, Dwiyan and Diani, Irma and Rahayu, Ngudining (2019) ANALISIS DEIKSIS PADA PERCAKAPAN MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INDONESIA UNIVERSITAS BENGKULU. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Rohhayati, Fatwa and Basuki, Rokhmat and Diani, Irma (2019) KAJIAN BAHASA DISFEMIA PADA KOLOM KOMENTAR NETIZEN DI INSTAGRAM. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Ertika, Reza and Wardhana, Dian Eka Chandra and Diani, Irma (2019) RAGAM BAHASA GAUL KALANGAN REMAJA DI KOTA BENGKULU. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Alfera, Dia Agustina and Chandra, Dian Eka and Diani, Irma (2019) RAGAM BAHASA PADA TUGAS MENULIS PANTUN SISWA KELAS VIII-5 DI SMP NEGERI 4 KOTA BENGKULU. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Ningrum, Dian Junita and Diani, Irma and Ngudining, Rahayu (2018) KAJIAN UJARAN KEBENCIAN DI MEDIA SOSIAL. Undergraduated thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

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