Items where Author is "Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal"

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Number of items: 31.

Safitri, Jiana Nur and Sofyan, Dedi and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2024) ANALYZING OF POLITENESS STRATEGIES EMPLOYED BY PIERS MORGAN IN INTERACTION WITH GUESTS OF CONTRARY BELIEFS ON VEGANISM. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Luri, Viere Shimponyta and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Kasmaini, Kasmaini (2024) THE EFFECT OF USING COLLABORATIVE LEARNING METHOD ON STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

G, Angelica Salsabila and Zahrida, Zahrida and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2024) IDIOMATIC EXPRESSION ON SILK SONIC’S ALBUM ENTITLED “AN EVENING WITH SILK SONIC” IN 2021. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Febiana, Wine Githa and Harahap, Alamsyah and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2024) STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE USE OF CANVA IN SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT (A Study at MAN 1 Bengkulu City). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Yustiana, Oka and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Hardiah, Mei (2024) STUDENTS’ TOPIC INTEREST IN LEARNING ENGLISH BASED ON KURIKULUM MERDEKA AT SMPN IN SUNGAI SERUT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF BENGKULU. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Nilamsari, Pelangi Cahya and Erni, Sukesi and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2023) REVEALING EFL ELEVEN GRADERS DIFFICULTIES IN WRITING AN EXPOSITION TEXT. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Mediawati, Nofiza Zetria and Alamsyah, Harahap and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2023) AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER’S QUESTIONING STRATEGIES IN ELT BASED ON BROWN (2001) THEORY AT EIGHTH GRADE SMPN 21 KOTA BENGKULU. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Junita, Tarnia and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Elfrida, Elfrida (2023) EFL TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN BENGKULU CITY. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Puspit, Cindi and Kasmaini, Kasmaini and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2023) ENGLISH STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF GROUP WORK ACTIVITIES IN LEARNING PROCESS” “(A Descriptive Study in the Fourth Semester of English Education Study Program Bengkulu University in the Academic Year 2022/2023)”. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Marjani, Arifah and Arasuli, Arasuli and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2022) CODE-MIXING AND CODE-SWITCHING USED BY DEDDY CORBUZIER ON PODCAST IN THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Fauzia, Febrina and Gita, Mutiara Hati and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2022) The Effectiveness of Using Web Blog in Developing Reading Skills in English (A Study at SMP N 6 Bengkulu City in The Academic Year 2021/2022). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Muhamad, Reza and Zahrida, Zahrida and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2022) ENGLISH VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR PROFICIENCIES OF SMPN 17 STUDENTS IN BENGKULU CITY. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Reza, Muhamad and Zahrida, Zahrida and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2022) ENGLISH VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR PROFICIENCIES OF SMPN 17 STUDENTS IN BENGKULU CITY. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Fauzia, Febrina and Hati, Gita Mutiara and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2022) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING WEB BLOG IN DEVELOPING READING SKILLS IN ENGLISH (A STUDY AT SMP N 6 BENGKULU CITY IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Millenia, Raihan Dwi Adinda and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Sufiyandi, Sufiyandi (2022) THE EFFECT OF AUTHENTIC TEXTS ON READING COMPREHENSION OF STUDENTS IN ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BENGKULU. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Millenia, Raihan Dwi A and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Sufiyandi, Sufiyandi (2022) THE EFFECT OF AUTHENTIC TEXTS ON READING COMPREHENSION OF STUDENTS IN ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BENGKULU. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Afifah, Elvira and Elfrida, Elfrida and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2022) THE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENTS APPLIED BY THE ENGLISH TEACHERS OF SMP NEGERI 9 KOTA BENGKULU IN THE ACADEMIC YEARS 2021/2022 BASED ON CURRICULUM 2013. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Afifah, Elvira and Elfrida, Elfrida and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2022) THE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENTS APPLIED BY THE ENGLISH TEACHERS OF SMP NEGERI 9 KOTA BENGKULU IN THE ACADEMIC YEARS 2021/2022 BASED ON CURRICULUM 2013. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Kirana, Rena Puspa and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2020) TYPES OF LEXICAL COHESION AND GRAMMATICAL COHESION IN THESIS ABSTRACTS (A Study of Cohesion and Cohesiveness in Undergraduate English Students’ Thesis Abstracts Of Universitas Bengkulu In The Period 2017 to 2019). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Panjaitan, Jerni Rinova and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2020) “A Descriptive Study on Past Verb Used in Students‟ Translation of Folklore Si Pahit Lidah” (A Case Study of the Sixth Semester Students of English Students at University of Bengkulu). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Rahmawarni, Rizki Agustina and Jayanti, Fernandita Gusweni and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2019) THE EFFECT OF GROUP INVESTIGATION ON STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Santika, Helni and Azwandi, Azwandi and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2018) STUDENTS’ CODE SWITCHING DURING MOTION AND EVALUATION DISCUSSION PERFORMED BY ENGLISH DEBATERS (A Case Study of English Debate Club at the University of Bengkulu). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Kusuma, Ayuningtyas Aulia and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Kasmaini, Kasmaini (2018) CLASSIFICATIONS AND MEANINGS OF IDIOMS IN JOHN STEINBECK‟S NOVEL TORTILLA FLAT. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Julita, Panisia and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Indah, Damayanti (2018) AN ANALYSIS OF CHILDHOOD GOOD VALUES IN C.S. LEWIS’S NOVEL THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Yunita, Anisyah and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Azwandi, Azwandi (2013) AN ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATIVE TASKS OF ENGGLISH WORKBOOK FOR THE FIRST YEAR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan UNIB.

Hidayat, Rahmat and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Zahrida, Zahrida (2013) PROBLEMS AND PROCEDURES IN TRANSLATING “MANGA” (A TYPICALLY JAPANESE WHIMSICAL COMIC GENRE). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Bengkulu.

Hikmah, Niklatul and Rosnasari, Pulungan and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2009) THE EFFECT OF WORD RELATIONSHIP TECHNIQUE TOWARD STUDENTS’ ENGLISH VOCABULARY MASTERY. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan UNIB.

Apriadani, Aisah and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal and Bambang, Suwarno (2009) THE ENGLISH STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS TOWARD THE PSYCHOLOGICAL ATMOSPHERE IN TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESSES. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan UNIB.

Ari Anggraini, Winda and Hilda, Puspita and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2009) KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL MAHASISWA ' DALAM BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS (Studi Deskriptif di Tahun Pertama Siswa SMPN 22 Kota Bengkulu pada Tahun Akademik 2008/2009). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Fakultas Pelatihan dan Pendidikan Guru UNIB.

Ginto, Fitrio and Mulyadi, Mulyadi and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2007) COMMUNICATION FILLERS USED BY THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS OF FKIP BENGKULU UNIVERSITY IN LANGUAGE TEACHING SEMINAR PRESENTATION. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education.

efriani, yunita and Puspita, Hilda and Mukhrizal, Mukhrizal (2007) THE PARENTS' STRATEGIES IN MOTIVATING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS TO LEARN ENGLISH AT HOME IN SDN 02 CURUP SUB- DISTRICT OF BENGKULU. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education.

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