Items where Division is "Department of Informatics Engineering" and Year is 2011
Johar T, Asahar and Desty, Dwitia Palupi (2011) IMPLEMENTASI METODE FRAME UNTUK MENDIAGNOSA GANGGUAN KEPRIBADIAN DRAMATIK MENGGUNAKAN SISTEM PAKAR. In: Prosiding SNATi. Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, pp. 32-36. ISBN 1907-5022
Susilo, Boko and Rusdi, Efendi and Siti , Maulinda (2011) IMPLEMENTASI DAN ANALISA KINERJA ALGORITMA ANT SYSTEM (AS) DALAM PENYELESAIAN MULTIPLE TRAVELLING SALESMAN PROBLEM (MTSP). In: Prosiding SNATi 2011. UII, Yogyakarta, pp. 48-54. ISBN 1907-5022
Vatresia, Arie and Rusdi, Efendi and Funny, Farady Coastera (2011) SISTEM TATA KELOLA DATABASE SEKOLAH DASAR DAN MENENGAH PROPINSI BENGKULU. In: Prosiding – KNSi (Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi) 2011, Information System : Bridging Gap between Theories and Practices. STMIK Potensi Utama Medan, Medan, pp. 237-242. ISBN 978-602-98768-0-2