Items where Division is "Department of Math Science" and Year is 2024

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Number of items: 21.


AHMAD, FAMUJI and Idhia, Sriliana and Winalia, Agwil (2024) PENERAPAN MODEL ASYMMETRIC POWER AUTOREGRESSIVE CONDITIONAL HETEROSCEDASTICITY (APARCH) TERHADAP HARGA MINYAK MENTAH DUNIA. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

ANNISA, FADILAH SARI and Sigit, Nugroho and Dyah, Setyo Rini (2024) Studi Indikator Komponen IPM Provinsi di Indonesia Tahun 2022 dengan Penskalaan Multidimensi dan Biplot. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

ESTHER, DAMAYANTI SIHOMBING and Idhia, Sriliana and Winalia, Agwil (2024) KLASIFIKASI MULTIVARIATE ADAPTIVE REGRESSION SPLINE (MARS) PADA DATA IMBALANCED CLASS MENGGUNAKAN BOOTSTRAP AGGREGATING (BAGGING) DAN SYNTHETIC MINORITY OVER-SAMPLING TECHINIQUE (SMOTE) (Studi Kasus: Status Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga di Provinsi Bengkulu Tahun 2022). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

ESTHER, DAMAYANTI SIHOMBING and Idhia, Sriliana and Winalia, Agwil (2024) KLASIFIKASI MULTIVARIATE ADAPTIVE REGRESSION SPLINE (MARS) PADA DATA IMBALANCED CLASS MENGGUNAKAN BOOTSTRAP AGGREGATING (BAGGING) DAN SYNTHETIC MINORITY OVER-SAMPLING TECHINIQUE (SMOTE) (Studi Kasus: Status Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga di Provinsi Bengkulu Tahun 2022). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

FIKRI, AL-AIYOBI and Yulian, Fauzi and Zulfia, Memi Mayasari (2024) PENENTUAN JALUR TERPENDEK EVAKUASI TSUNAMI MENGGUNAKAN INTEGRASI METODE FUZZY TSUKAMOTO DENGAN ALGORITMA FLOYD WARSHALL (Studi Kasus: Kelurahan Sumur Meleleh, Bengkulu). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

FITRIA, AYUNI NATASYA and Jose, Rizal and Septri, Damayanti (2024) STUDI TENTANG GRAF PEMBAGI NOL PADA RING KOMUTATIF DAN , UNTUK BILANGAN PRIMA,. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

GENTA., J. KHARISMA and Sigit, Nugroho and Nurul, Hidayati (2024) PEMODELAN GEOGRAPHICALLY WEIGHTED REGRESSION (GWR) PADA JUMLAH PENDUDUK MISKIN DI PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH TAHUN 2021. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

HOTNIDA, HOTNIDA and Jose, Rizal and Winalia, Agwil (2024) PEMODELAN GENERALIZED SPACE TIME AUTOREGRESSIVE WITH VARIABLE EKSOGENOUS (GSTAR-. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

LIDIA, LIDIA and Baki, Swita and Mudin, Simanihuruk (2024) SUPER EDGE MAGIC TOTAL LABELING PADA GRAPH 4-CYCLE BOOKS B[(. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

M.ABEL, RAHMAN FAJRI and Mudin, Simanihuruk and Baki, Swita (2024) SUPER EDGE MAGIC TOTAL LABELING PADA GRAPH (4,3)-CYCLE BOOKS. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

NABILA, PUTRI ENDAH SARI and Mudin, Simanihuruk and Baki, Swita (2024) BLOCK DESIGN DENGAN PENDEKATAN INCIDENCE MATRIX k-UNIFORM HYPERGRAPH. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

NURPENDA, NURPENDA and Baki, Swita and Mudin, Simanihuruk (2024) SUPER EDGE MAGIC TOTAL LABELING PADA GRAPH 4-CYCLE BOOKS [ ] UNTUK : INVESTIGASI CONJECTURE DARI FIGUEROA-CENTENO, ICHISHIMA, DAN MUNTANER-BATLE. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

RAHMAH, ISNAINI and Siska, Yosmar and Zulfia, Memi Mayasari (2024) IMPLEMENTASI METODE ADAPTIVE NEURO FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM (ANFIS) UNTUK MEMPREDIKSI CUACA DI KOTA BENGKULU. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

REWAN, JAYADI and Ramya, Rachmawati and Siska, Yosmar (2024) ANALISIS METODE ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) DALAM MENENTUKAN KEPUTUSAN PRIORITAS PENANGANAN STUNTING DI PROVINSI BENGKULU. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

RIA, LESTARI MUJIATI SIPAHUTAR and Mudin, Simanihuruk and Baki, Swita (2024) BLOCK DESIGN DENGAN PENDEKATAN DEGREE SEQUENCE k-UNIFORM HYPERGRAPH. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

SHANTA, HOKI and Jose, Rizal and Nurul, Hidayati (2024) PEMODELAN JUMLAH KASUS HIV DAN AIDS MENURUT PROVINSI DI INDONESIA MENGGUNAKAN BIVARIATE GENERALIZED POISSON REGRESSION (BGPR). ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

SONDANG, VENITA BR SAMOSIR and Siska, Yosmar and Jose, Rizal (2024) PERBANDINGAN ALGORITMA SIMULATED ANNEALING DAN ALGORITMA SEMUT DALAM PENDISTRIBUSIAN OBAT OLEH PT MARGA NUSANTARA. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

SURYA, ETIKA WULANDARI and Ramya, Rachmawati and Siska, Yosmar (2024) OPTIMASI RUTE TRUK SAMPAH KOTA BENGKULU MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

Selvia, Putri Juliana and Sigit, Nugroho and Winalia, Agwil (2024) PEMODELAN REGRESI LOGISTIK BINER DALAM PENENTUAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERSENTASE PENDUDUK MISKIN DI WILAYAH SUMATRA. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

WITA, ANRIANI SINAGA and Mudin, Simanihuruk and Baki, Swita (2024) SUPER EDGE MAGIC TOTAL LABELING PADA GRAPH 4-CYCLE BOOKS. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

YAYUK, ARYANI and Zulfia, Memi Mayasari and Mulia, Astuti (2024) GRAF COMMUTING DAN NON COMMUTING DARI SUBGRUP�SUBGRUP (. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Universitas Bengkulu.

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