Items where Division is "Department of Soil Science" and Year is 2013

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Number of items: 7.

Book Section

Bertham, Rr. Yudhy Harini and Abimanyu D. , Nusantara and Usman, Siswanto (2013) Growth Of Artemisia Annua, Artemisinin Synthesis, And Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Colonization AS Affected By Accssion And Fertilization. In: Program Book The 3rd International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere (ISSH). University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, pp. 1-7.

Bertham, Rr. Yudhy Harini and Merakati , Handajaningsih and Dwi, Wahyuni Ganefianti (2013) Uji Coba Budidaya Cabai Organik di Lahan Pesisir. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Rapat Tahunan Dekan Bidang Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian PTN Wilayah Barat. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, pp. 331-338. ISBN 978-602-17664-1-5

Bertham, Yudhi H. and Nusantara, Abimanyu D. (2013) Peningkatan Produktivitas Kedelai Genotipe Baru melalui Teknologi Pupuk Hayati dan Pemupukan Berimbang di Tanah Ultisol. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Menuju Pertanian Yang Berdaulat. Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu, pp. 435-448. ISBN 978-602-9071-08-5


Saima Damanik , Jon and Antory, Royan and Susi, Ramadhani (2013) Tinjauan Yuridis Pasal 270 KUHAP Terhadap Proses Eksekusi Putusan Pengadilan Oleh Jaksa. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Fakultas Hukum, UNIB.

Andreas, Rian Ferry and Bandi , Hermawan and S., Nur Muin (2013) ANALISIS KARAKTERISTIK FISIK TANAH UNTUK PENILAIAN KELAS KESESUAIAN LAHAN : STUDI KASUS PADA LAHAN PERTANIAN TERPADU DI KABUPATEN KAUR. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Fakultas Pertanian UNIB.

Gultom, Wandri and Yudhi, Harini Bertham and Bilman W., Simanihuruk (2013) APLIKASI PUPUK HAYATI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN VARIETAS KEDELAI PADA TANAH PASCA TAMBANG BATUBARA. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Fakultas Pertanian, UNIB.

Novratilova, Martina and Noeke , Sri Wardhani and Susi, Ramadhani (2013) PEREDARAN NARKOTIKA DIKALANGAN ANAK DI KOTA BENGKULU DITINJAU DARI KRIMINOLOGI. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_ut' not defined] thesis, Fakultas Hukum, UNIB.

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